Quality and Certifications
Quality and Certifications
From the traditional secular experience of the company, Bassi Spa has been able to enhance itsproducts with a persevering research of superior raw materials.
In order for a quality product to prove itself, it must be able to boast of qualitatively validingredients; for this reason the collaborations with our suppliers have now been consolidated over time, guaranteeing continuous growth and support that has allowed the development of products customized to our production needs and outlining a product with a distinctive trait on the market.
The milk, as regulated by the production disciplinary, comes from Friesian, Jersey and Brown Alpine cows from the best Lombardia-Piemonte farms, certified and approved by the Novara Gorgonzola Consortium in compliance with the restrictive parameters of the Protected Designationof Origin.
The raw milk material is subject to scrupulous input checks carried out in duplicate with the historiccooperatives from which Bassi Spa obtains its supplies. A tandem and capillary control thatguarantees a constant quality standard and a certainty in terms of collective responsibility of the individual milk suppliers translated for each affiliate into a fair remuneration that protects his rightsand interests. An important guarantee on the quality of the milk delivered, further strengthened by obtaining certification also from the authoritative body CSQA (former guarantor of DOP conformity).
The entrepreneurial sustainability of the contributors is combined with attention to animal welfare; the suppliers selected by Bassi Spa commit themselves daily to maintaining the well-being of theirCReNBA certified garments, acquiring the awareness that a healthy animal produces a qualitativelysuperior raw material.
The care and attention to raw materials and the environment is also reconfirmed in the choice of Bassi Spa to also give space to a line for ORGANIC, which uses exclusively certified milk coming from an extensive management of the farms and the related measures in made of nutrition and animal welfare.
From the historical collaborations with the most important companies in the food sector, formulations are also born, studied ad hoc in our experimental production site, creating uniqueprofiles of their kind able to distinguish Gorgonzola Bassi for consistency, flavor and recipe.
The centennial know-how and modern application technologies find their perfect combination by adapting to the most scrupulous certifications of the supply chain and product that impose dailychecks to protect the health of the final consumer and the product offered.
Bassi spa has therefore been able to pay attention to the growing demands of the market and of the most attentive and demanding consumer not only in terms of food safety but also of ethical and social inclusiveness in the face of a globalized population. From the commercial needs arises the profound interest in making and certifying their products so that they can also meet the HALAL and Kosher requirements, breaking down religious boundaries.
Transparency and traceability are the cornerstones of Bassi SPA in the selection, transport and processing of raw materials and are guaranteed by the scrupulous checks carried out by the analysislaboratories external and internal to the company that monitor the entire production process and the certifications in place. Inclusiveness, sustainability and technological development are the objectives of the near future that the company intends to pursue.